
Spook Factory

The bat legend is still alive: Spook Factory.

For 2500 people, nowadays have different parties every weekend with a
musical offer which is more than techno music that made it famous
during the 80’s and the beginning of the 90’s.

Today the bat continues at the valencian nights but with thematic
parties as Hotel82, Heaven, Chocolate, Bikini Club, La Gigante MDT,
Gotham, Rocola, Puzzle, Sound Factory, university parties or even
remembering the classic Spook Factory.

Carrera del Riu, 399 (Pinedo) Valencia


Open Saturday from 1:00am.

Spook Factory, famous for being part of ``Ruta del Bakalao`` celebrates this year 2019 its 35 years.

Spook, the bat disco take under its wings
all the people who wanted to continue the night or next day. But not
only regular people, also famous dj’s from other discos or Vip’s as
Pedro Almodóvar, Tino Casal, Javier Bardem, Antonio Banderas, Carmen
Maura, Miguel Bosé and, for sure, more people who wanted to live near
by this music explosion and boom at Spook.

Other famous people stand out throughout Spook’s history as Mariscal
who made the posters graphic design, Valentín Herráiz made the brand
identity as the logo, and “Guayquemola” or Francis Montesinos were
public relations making the local more well-know.

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